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How to Install Templatto

Installation of Templatto is as easy as 1, 2, 3.


Confirm that you have PHP 4.x or better, and that mod_rewrite is enabled on your server.


Place the files in templatto.zip into the directory of your server that has pages you want to look pretty.


Edit the config.php file (located in the templatto directory) to your liking.


Is it really that easy?

Kind of...

Depending on whether or not you're putting Templatto in a subfolder, and if you're going to point a domain name to that subfolder, it can be a little more complicated... but not too bad. The main thing that you'll need to do is configure your .htaccess file. More specifically, the "RewriteBase" in your .htaccess file.

How to Configure Your .htaccess File

Right out of the box, this is what Templatto's .htaccess file looks like:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^/?([0-9a-zA-Z_\-\/]+).php/?$ templatto/templatto.php?page=$1 [QSA,L]

We admit, it's a bit complicated looking, but don't worry, it's really not too bad. Chances are, if you have to change anything in the .htaccess file, it's just going to be the "RewriteBase."

The RewriteBase / tells mod_rewrite what directory the upcoming RewriteRule's are going to be applied to. For example, if you put Templatto in the main website directory on your server, you're going to want to leave it as RewriteBase /. Though, if you're putting it in a subfolder named "subby," you're going to want to change the code slightly to RewriteBase /subby.

Just remember: always keep that .htaccess file in the same directory that contains the "templatto" directory. In other words, maintain the file and folder hierarchy that Templatto comes in. That is, unless you know what you're doing.